manifestazione di massa contro la presenza militare USA nella Repubblica Dominicaca

Per leggere e vedere la manifestazione vai su

Massive DR Rally against US Troops
> Santo Domingo, Feb 28 (Prensa Latina) An extensive representation of
> the Dominican people in the southern city of Barahona repudiated at a
> 10-hour rally the presence of US troops in that province.
> In statements to Prensa Latina, Ramon Almanzar, chief of Partido
> Nueva Alternativa and leader of the alliance Unidad del Pueblo,
> termed successful the long patriotic demonstration held Monday here.
> Dozens of political organizations, including hundreds of young people
> from Barahora, attended that protest, held in occasion of the 162nd
> anniversary of the National Independence, said Almanzar.
> According to him, there is a notable absence of news in national
> media on protest rallies against the present of GIs in this nation.
> Armed Forces secretary Admiral Sigfrido Pared defended Monday joint
> labors by US-Dominican soldiers in Barahona.