February 3, 2006
Articles about, and excerpts from, the Pentagon’s Quadrennial, are beginning to leak out ahead of its official publication. There are few surprises here, with the focus being on preparations for an extended “War or Terrorism” and the shift of U.S. strategic planning from Europe to the Asia-Pacific region.
February 3, 2006
Articles about, and excerpts from, the Pentagon’s Quadrennial, are beginning to leak out ahead of its official publication. There are few surprises here, with the focus being on preparations for an extended “War or Terrorism” and the shift of U.S. strategic planning from Europe to the Asia-Pacific region.
The Project for Defense Alternative’s has put excerpts from the QDR on their web-site along with their other resources. Following is an announcement.
In solidarity,
Joseph Gerson
American friends Service Committee
Excerpts and commentary on the new US defense review (QDR) are available on the Project for Defense Alternative’s Defense Strategy Review library site. They have also just completed an update of all their special topic libraries – China, military transformation, terrorism, etc – adding more than 300 recent links to full-text documents. And we’ve created a single gateway to all of the sites: http://www.comw.org/infogate/ Please have a look and pass the link along. I know it’s a great deal of material, but it’s pretty easy to peruse. And we do our best to keep the links current – all 7,000 of them.
Regarding the US defense review: As new information and commentary becomes available during the next week, we’ll update the Defense Strategy Review page. If you come across relevant material for this site or the others, we’d greatly appreciate your letting us know.